MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, SURABAYA — Ahmad Dahlan spent eight months teaching his students Surah Al-‘Asr. Despite initial protests from his students who found it excessive for such a brief chapter, they eventually came to appreciate the profound philosophical depth within its three verses.
President of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir emphasized the significance of Al-‘Asr in understanding the importance of time. Time is not merely a sequence of seconds and minutes but an opportunity to be utilized optimally. Consequently, Haedar interprets ‘ashr as modernity or ‘ashariyyah, which teaches Muslims to be in harmony with the times. Quoting Imam Syafi’i, he said, “If people knew the content of Surah Al-‘Asr, it would be sufficient as a guide for life.”
Based on this surah, humans are obligated to utilize their time for the best deeds, beginning with faith and righteous actions. Faith is more than mere belief; it must be manifested in tangible actions that benefit others.
“One is not considered a believer if they do not love their fellow human beings as they love themselves. Usually, people love themselves, their cronies, and their own dynasty. However, faith compels a person to love on a broader scale beyond the circle of their relatives,” said Haedar. at the inauguration ceremony of the Muhammadiyah School Building of Tandes and the 100th Anniversary of PKU Muhammadiyah Surabaya on Sunday, September 1.
While faith is the foundation of belief, righteous actions are the actualization of that faith. Many people can perform actions, but not all of those actions are righteous and pure and have a positive impact. A Muslim should ensure that their intentions, actions, and consequences are good. This includes earning a livelihood.
In daily life, people often face temptations to ignore what is halal and haram. Many fail this test. They may be successful in their careers or lives but eventually get entangled in corruption and lose everything.
“Many people are not tested in this way. They can succeed in their lives, succeed in their career pursuits, but in the end, they fail and fall due to corruption. Becoming famous, rising as a star in their political journey, they eventually end up in Suka Miskin (prison),” Haedar said.
According to Haedar, no matter how much wealth is accumulated, it will not accompany one to the grave. What will last is ongoing charity, good deeds whose rewards continue to flow even after death. With this, Haedar emphasized the importance of faith, righteous actions, and social responsibility in modern life.