Al-Qur’an frequently emphasized faith, knowledge, and good deeds, stressing the need to integrate these elements in life to bring purpose and meaning that benefits individuals and communities.
“As Muslims, particularly those affiliated with Muhammadiyah, our actions are not solely driven by instincts. They are rooted in a deeper motivation: faith, guided by knowledge, forming the essential trilogy of Muhammadiyah’s principles – faith, knowledge, and good deeds,” said the President of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir in the meeting of the Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah Regional Board (PDM) and (PDA) of West Java in Sukabumi on Sunday (July 30).
The spirit of mujahadah, according to Haedar, extends beyond seeking meaning in life; it embodies a Muslim’s responsibility for their afterlife. This awareness motivates Muhammadiyah members to increase their righteous deeds through preaching and social welfare initiatives.
“As Muslims, particularly in Muhammadiyah, we do our best to secure the best, abundant, and highest quality provisions for the afterlife – the eternal paradise, Jannatun Naim. This meaningful pursuit ignites our spirit and passion, setting us apart from those who lack faith, as our actions are guided by a higher purpose beyond natural instincts,” said Haedar Nashir.
Haedar Nashir encouraged Muhammadiyah of Sukabumi to take inspiration from the spirit of mujahadah demonstrated by eminent national figures such as Hatta, Sutan Syahrir, and Haji Rasul, the father of Buya Hamka, who underwent exile in Sukabumi.
The figures might inspire Muhammadiyah of Sukabumi to create excellent competitive da’wa products.
“We should embody the spirit within ourselves and leverage all our capability to perform good deeds by integrating our faith and knowledge,” said Headar.
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