MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Muhammadiyah’s 111th anniversary celebrations commenced with “the Global Forum for Climate Movement: Promoting Green Culture, Innovation, and Cooperation” at Green Campus, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Yogyakarta, on Friday (November 17).
Abdul Mu’ti, the General Secretary of Muhammadiyah, mentioned thirteen countries participating in the forum: Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, the Netherlands, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, England, Australia, Morocco, Norway, Japan, the United States, and the Vatican. The participants were faculties, specialists, and policymakers.
“This forum aims to jointly address environmental concerns and climate change and view the issues as a shared responsibility as human beings. Indeed, as Muslims, we are responsible to be stewards of the Earth, fostering prosperity,” said Mu’ti.
Actively engaging with environmental issues since its 47th Congress (Muktamar) in Makassar in 2015, Muhammadiyah educational institutions have implemented comprehensive curricula focusing on environmental conservation. For its 111th anniversary, Muhammadiyah adopted the theme “Ikhtiar Menyelamatkan Semesta” (Commitment to Save the World).
The primary goal of the global forum was to explore practical approaches that extend the impact of the Earth-saving movement, according to Mu’ti.
“This is a complex issue involving theology, ecology, and culture. Yet, we aim to concentrate on more practical aspects to address climate change intellectually and proactively,” said Mu’ti.
In collaboration with the Muhammadiyah Council for Environmental Preservation (MLH), the Muhammadiyah Institute for International Relations and Cooperation (LHKI), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the forum was also attended by three international organizations, namely the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), and the European Union (EU).
The forum was also supported by ViriyaENB, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI), and Lazismu. On behalf of Muhammadiyah, Mu’ti thanked all parties for supporting the forum.
At the end of his remark, Mu’ti mentioned that Muhammadiyah invited all international speakers to attend Muhammadiyah’s 111 anniversary celebration at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta on Saturday, November 18. He also introduced a cap featuring the Muhammadiyah logo, crafted from recycled materials, symbolizing Muhammadiyah’s commitment to environmental care.
“This cap is one of the examples of how Muhammadiyah utilizes recycle materials,” said Mu’ti.