MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA – A plenary meeting assigned Muhammadiyah leadership 2022-2027. The forum enacted addition of the leadership members.
“The member addition and focus areas of the new leadership are arranged based on the recommendation of the congress (Muktamar) of Muhammadiyah, competence, integrity, and regeneration,” General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu’ti said on Friday (16/12).
Muhammadiyah determines five additional leadership members, namely Muhammad Sayuti, Muhammad Izzul Muslimin, Marpuji Ali, Agus Taufiqurrahman, and Salmah Orbayinah. They are appointed based on the Muhammadiyah statutes/bylaws to complete the position and duty of Muhammadiyah leadership members.
Mu’ti also mentioned that Muhammadiyah is now constructing personnel and composition of majlis, boards, and offices.
Mu’ti wished that the Muhammadiyah leadership 2022-2027 could perform their responsibility better, respond fast, and play active and proactive roles in the community, nation, and universal humanity.
The Muhammadiyah leadership 2022-2027 is listed as follows:
1. | President | : | Prof. Dr. H. Haedar Nasir, M.Sc. |
2. | Chairman of Organization, Ideology, and Muhammadiyah Young Generation Development | : | Dr. H. Agung Danarto, M.Ag. |
3. | Chairman of the Tarjih and Tajdid | : | Prof. Dr. H. Syamsul Anwar, M.A. |
4. | Chairman of Tabligh, Community Da’wah, Islamic Boarding Schools, and Hajj-Umrah Guidance | : | Dr. H.M. Saad Ibrahim, M.A. |
5. | Chairman of Education, Culture, and Sports | : | Prof. Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd. |
6. | Chairman of Development of Public Health, Social Welfare, and Disaster Resilience | : | dr. H. Agus Taufiqurrohman, Sp.S., M.Kes. |
7. | Chairman of Economy, Business, and Halal Industry | : | Prof. Dr. H. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP. |
8. | Chairman of MSME, Community Empowerment, and Environment | : | Dr. H. Anwar Abbas, M.M., M.Ag. |
9. | Chairman of Law, Human Rights, and Public Policy | : | Dr. H. M. Busyro Muqoddas, S.H., M.Hum. |
10. | Chairman of Libraries, Informatics, and Digitalization | : | Prof. Dr. H. Dadang Kahmad, M.Sc. |
11. | Chairman of Development of Branches and Mosques | : | Drs. H. A. Dahlan Rais, M.Hum. |
12. | Chairman of International Relations and Cooperation | : | Prof. Dr. H. Syafiq A. Mughni |
13. | Chairman of Family Resilience Development | : | Dr. apt. Hj. Salmah Orbayinah, M.Kes. |
14. | General Secretary | : | Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed. |
15. | Secretary | : | M. Izzul Muslimin, S.IP. |
16. | Secretary | : | M. Sayuti, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. |
17. | General Treasurer | : | Prof. H. Hilman Latief, M.A., Ph.D. |
18. | Treasurer | : | Drs. H. Marpuji Ali, M.Si. |
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