MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, JAKARTA – The Muhammadiyah Special Branch (PCIM) of the United States of America (USA) conducted the 3rd Annual Convention of Muhammadiyah USA on Saturday morning (17/12) local time.
Representing the President of Muhammadiyah, General Treasures of Muhammadiyah Hilman Latief mentioned four messages.
First, the Muhammadiyah Special Branch of the USA is expected to promote and implement the decrees of Muktamar (the Muhammadiyah congress) on the Progressive Islamic Treatise (Risalah Islam Berkemajuan) and six strategic issues: 1) religious regimentation, 2) digital piety, 3) unity of the people, 4) reform of Islamic philanthropic governance, 5) enlightening religion, and 6) authenticity of Wasathiyah Islam (moderation of Islam).
Muhammadiyah is also expected to be more active in global agendas of world peace, conflict resolutions, and humanitarian actions. By understanding the Progressive Islamic Treatise and interpreting it into reality, people will recognize the true Muhammadiyah.
“This is our homework, including Muhammadiyah USA’s homework. We have to campaign this Islamic spirit to the international community,” Hilman said.
Second, each member of Muhammadyah USA needs to understand Islam in line with Manhaj Tarjih (bayani, burhani, irfani), Muhammadiyah ideology, and thoughts.
“The official Muhammadiyah thoughts are progressive, open, visionary, and open to dialogue. It also emphasizes the importance of the ideology of the amar makruf nahi munkar, formulated decades ago and becoming our perspective in understanding reality and communicating with other people,” he explained.
Even though Muhammadiyah is vividly different from Wahhabism and Salafi because it adopts openness, ijtihad, and modernity, creative interpretation is still required in the field so that the basic principles of Muhammadiyah in its various documents can be implemented through organizational policies.
Third, the Muhammadiyah USA is expected to continue to promote Muhammadiyah and its Progressive Islam to Americans, including developing narratives against Islamophobia.
Fourth, the Muhammadiyah USA is expected to develop interfaith and inter-civilizational dialogue.
“The United States as a melting pot (a meeting point of various ethnic groups) can be a productive space for us to freely campaign Islamic vision and mission to other communities through dialogue,” said Hilman.
“May the Muhammadiyah USA get stronger and play more strategic roles by bringing up contextual Islamic notions,” he wished.
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