A wave of concern and support washed over Sumedang, Indonesia, in the wake of a recent earthquake that impacted eight of its districts. Members of the ‘Aisyiyah Regional Board (PWA) of West Java made a special visit to the affected area on Saturday (January 6).
Chairwoman of the PWA of West Java Ia Kurniati mentioned that the visit was a powerful expression of ta`awun, the Islamic principle of mutual aid and solidarity. Joining hands with LazisMu (the Muhammadiyah Department for Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah Management), the PWA of West Java is actively involved in supporting Sumedang’s recovery efforts.
At the heart of their mission lies a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by communities struck by disaster. Ia Kurniati emphasized the importance of following the guidance of the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC).
“MDMC’s professionalism in disaster response is widely recognized,” Ia shared, echoing the trust placed in this experienced organization. She urged the ‘Aisyiyah Local Board (PDA) of Sumedang to work closely with MDMC, leveraging their expertise in mitigating and managing emergencies.
Beyond immediate needs, Ia also shed light on crucial aspects often overlooked in disaster response. These include providing safe and private spaces for women, offering psychosocial support, and strengthening spiritual resilience.
“Remember, the needs of women deserve special attention,” Ia reminded everyone. “Baby kits and women’s hygiene products are often in high demand, so please prioritize these items when donating.”
Their unwavering commitment and collaborative spirit embody the essence of ta`awun. In the face of adversity, Sumedang finds itself embraced by a community that understands the power of unity and compassion. As the road to recovery unfolds, the unwavering support of PWA West Java and other dedicated organizations paves the way for a brighter future for the people of Sumedang.
This story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of community and the crucial role played by organizations like PWA West Java in times of crisis. By prioritizing inclusivity, understanding unique needs, and working together, they offer a beacon of hope and support, proving that even in the aftermath of disaster, resilience and compassion can blossom.