MUHAMMDIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA — Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Council for Religious Opinion and Tajdid Ali Yusuf emphasized the significance of the hijri calendar for Muslims. In a historical context, he explained that the Islamic calendar was established during the era of Umar ibn al-Khattab, 17 years after the Hijrah.
“Prior to the existence of the hijri calendar, many Muslims were confused about the dates in official correspondence. For instance, documents were dated with the month of Sha’ban, but it was unclear whether it referred to the previous or upcoming Sha’ban,” said Ali Yusuf in the Promotion of the Unified Global Hijri Calendar at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan on Saturday (August 3).
Ali Yusuf further elaborated that the introduction of the hijri calendar provided a standardized system for dating, facilitating governance and societal matters within Islamic territories. He then emphasized the importance of a unified hijri calendar with a one-day-one-date principle applicable worldwide.
“Scholars have long agreed on the concept of ‘ittihad al-mathali’, meaning a single starting point for the lunar month, which should be identical for all places on Earth,” said Ali Yusuf.
Thus, Muhammadiyah is actively promoting the adoption of a global unified hijri calendar. Ali Yusuf emphasized that the unified global hijri calendar is a significant leap in ijtihad, aimed at unifying the global Muslims under a single calendar system.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Provincial Board of Yogyakarta Ikhwan Ahada said, “Muhammadiyah has a history of progressive ijtihad. The unified global hijri calendar is another example of our commitment to innovation. We should be prepared to invest our energy into this endeavor.”
The unified global hijri calendar enables Muslims worldwide to be better organized in carrying out their religious and social activities. The unified calendar will not only simplify datekeeping but also strengthen the bonds of unity among Muslims globally. This initiative demonstrates Muhammadiyah ongoing commitment to innovation and ijtihad for the betterment of the Muslim community.