MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, SLEMAN — In a bid to crack open economic opportunities for people with disabilities, the Muhammadiyah Council for Community Empowerment (MPM) has hatched a remarkable initiative. Last Saturday, January 20, they launched a poultry farming training program, aiming to equip participants with the skills to thrive in this lucrative sector.
“Chicken farming offers a vast market, and it’s surprisingly well-suited for individuals with diverse abilities,” explained Arni Surwanti, a member of the Department of the Marginalized (3T) Areas and Special Communities of MPM. “The relative ease of managing poultry makes it an ideal venture for many.”
Beyond the financial prospects, the program, held at the Eduwisata of PPDI D.I. Yogyakarta, also aspires to boost participants’ self-reliance through skill development. Arni underscored, “This initiative isn’t just about generating income; it’s about empowering people with disabilities to chart their own economic course.”
The program’s focus on inclusivity extends beyond simply offering training. Arya Khoirul Hammam, MPM’s Agriculture department member, highlighted the great potential in the egg business, especially with the “Happy Chicken Eggs” concept. These eggs not only offer more nutrients than regular chicken eggs, but they have also been shown to provide significant health benefits.
“These eggs aren’t just delicious,” Arya revealed, “studies in Bantul demonstrated that pregnant women suffering from chronic energy deficiency experienced significant health improvements after consuming them for just 42 days.”
This collaboration extends beyond mere marketing advantage. By involving people with disabilities in the production of Happy Chicken Eggs, the program strives to break down barriers and foster meaningful inclusion in the industry. “Producers with disabilities will have the tools and support to compete at the same level, paving the way for increased economic independence,” Arya declared.
The poultry farming training marks a pivotal step in MPM’s ongoing mission to empower people with disabilities. Not only does it equip them with practical skills, but it also instills a sense of agency and opens doors to brighter economic prospects. By fostering collaboration and promoting inclusivity, MPM is laying the groundwork for a more equitable and prosperous future for all.