MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, JAKARTA — Secretary General of Muhammadiyah emphasized the deep connection among freedom, justice, and prosperity.
Mu’ti highlighted the significance of the second paragraph of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which outlines the nation’s aspirations for unity, sovereignty, justice, and prosperity. He expressed gratitude that Indonesia has remained a united nation despite the challenges faced by many newly independent countries.
“Many countries have fragmented into several states shortly after gaining independence,” said Mu’ti, citing examples such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the former Yugoslavia.
“We are grateful that Indonesia has remained united and whole, and we hope to soon become a just and prosperous nation,” said Mu’ti in the Muhammadiyah preaching on Friday (August 9).
Muhammadiyah, with its long history of involvement in the Indonesian struggle for independence, has played a pivotal role in shaping the nation. Its founders were instrumental in drafting the Pancasila, the philosophical foundation of the state, and the 1945 Constitution.
“Muhammadiyah has a very high national responsibility for Indonesia,” stressed Mu’ti.
Muhammadiyah commitment to well-being of Indonesia is further highlighted by its stated goal of transforming Indonesia into a “baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur,” a blessed land under God’s mercy. This objective, as outlined in the Muqodimah (Introduction) of the Statute of Muhammadiyah, reflects the organization’s broader mission to contribute to the betterment of society.
“Muhammadiyah has a commitment and responsibility to realize the ideals of independence, which is not only related to Muhammadiyah political position in Indonesia but also as part of the responsibility of every individual to create prosperity on earth,” said Mu’ti.