MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, YOGYAKARTA – Rof’ah, a member of the ‘Aisyiyah Council for Social Welfare Development, addressed critical issues affecting children in Indonesia. Various challenges children face in this country involve violence, exploitation, legal problems, caregiving, civil rights, education, health, and human trafficking.
The Muhammadiyah Council for Islamic Thought and Judgement has developed the Jurisprudence (Fiqh) of Child Protection. In the preaching conducted by the council on Wednesday (July 19), Rof’ah said that this fiqh serves as a guide in dealing with child-related issues.
The foundation of the Jurisprudence of Child Protection lies in the principle of tauhid, affirming the belief in Allah as the sole Creator and Preserver of every living being, including children. Recognizing the divine perfection in the process of human creation, this jurisprudence regards children as the most precious manifestations of Allah’s creation. Consequently, parents are entrusted with the responsibility of nurturing and safeguarding children and honoring their inherent dignity as human beings.
Besides, the Jurisprudence of Child Protection highlights the value of justice. This means appropriately granting children their rights and assigning responsibilities that align with each person’s capabilities. Justice plays a fundamental role in child protection, ensuring that every child is treated fairly and equitably.
The Jurisprudence of Child Protection is rooted in the value of maslahat, which means that child protection should be guided to achieve an objective of Islamic law (maqashid asy-syari‘ah). The objective encompasses preserving five essential elements: religion, life, intellect, lineage, and property. The Jurisprudence seeks to ensure the adequate protection of children’s rights in these fundamental areas.
The Jurisprudence of Child Protection is poised to be an effective solution in addressing the critical issues faced by Indonesian children. The joint efforts in implementing this jurisprudence are expected to yield positive changes and provide better protection for children in this nation.
The Muhammadiyah Council for Islamic Thought and Judgement aspires that the Jurisprudence of Child Protection will effectively address children’s issues in Indonesia. To ensure the protection of children’s rights and provide them with the best possible safeguarding, collaboration from stakeholders, including the government, non-governmental organizations, and the entire society, will play a pivotal role in attaining a brighter future for the children of Indonesia.
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