MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, MALANG — President of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir has called for Indonesia to have dignified and progressive leadership. He stressed that realizing ideal leadership in Indonesia demands a two-pronged approach, involving both leaders and their people.
Haedar emphasized the Islamic concept of leadership, envisioning it as a responsibility encompassing both worldly affairs and spiritual values. Leaders, likened to imams, must skillfully navigate both realms, ensuring both worldly achievements and spiritual fulfillment for themselves and their communities. This necessitates leaders possessing not only the necessary skills and knowledge for worldly matters, but also a deep commitment to spiritual growth.
He further underscored the importance of certain core qualities in leaders: truthfulness, trustworthiness, adept communication, and wisdom. These four pillars, he argued, are fundamental in Islam and highlight the immense responsibility entrusted upon leaders.
“In the view of Islam,” Haedar declared, “a leader must manage both the present world and the hereafter. Their worldly accomplishments must be matched by spiritual fulfillment. This underscores the immense weight of leadership in the Islamic perspective, demanding the utmost dedication to both physical and spiritual well-being.”
Yet, the journey towards ideal leadership requires not only capable individuals at the helm, but also a dignified and progressive citizenry. Haedar stressed the crucial role of education and religious guidance in shaping an informed and discerning populace, capable of recognizing right from wrong and making informed choices regarding their leaders.
He drew inspiration from the Prophet Muhammad’s transformative impact, whose message illuminated the Arabian peninsula and generated the radiant civilization of Medina. Through his teachings, the Prophet uplifted a society shrouded in ignorance, demonstrating the power of education and faith in shaping a progressive future.
Haedar also contrasted this vision with the archaic practices of the jahiliyah period, a time marked by dynastic politics and the subjugation of women. He highlighted Islam’s emphasis on equality, emphasizing that both men and women possess the potential for righteous deeds and eternal blessings.
Muhammadiyah, guided by the Prophet’s legacy, views Islam as a catalyst for progress and civilizational advancement. Haedar reiterated that the Prophet’s mission was not solely focused on moral development, but also on guiding humanity towards a brighter future and serving as a beacon of mercy for all creation.
Finally, he reminded the audience of the wisdom displayed after the Prophet’s passing. Despite the absence of a formal leadership selection process during his lifetime, the Ansar, Muhajirin, and Ahlul Bayt came together to choose a successor through a peaceful and unifying process, ultimately appointing Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq as caliph.
As Indonesia embarks on a new year, Haedar’s message serves as a powerful call for reflection. He encourages us to contemplate the essence of Islamic leadership, the importance of a discerning populace, and the crucial role we all play in shaping a dignified and progressive future for the nation. By embracing these values and working collectively, we can navigate towards a future where leadership inspires, communities flourish, and the nation ascends to new heights of progress and prosperity.