MUHAMMADIYAH.OR.ID, JAKARTA – Muhammadiyah is expanding its philanthropic efforts to address humanitarian and environmental issues.
Izzul Muslimin, Secretary of Muhammadiyah, said that the organization has a long history of providing humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict and natural disasters. However, he said that Muhammadiyah is also committed to addressing environmental issues, which he believes are a growing threat to humanity.
To that end, Muhammadiyah has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Unilever Indonesia, a multinational consumer goods company. Under the MoU, Unilever will provide IDR 1.5 billion to Muhammadiyah for humanitarian and environmental programs.
The humanitarian funds will be used to support victims of conflict and natural disasters in Indonesia and around the world such as such as Rohingya and Palestine. The environmental funds will be used to support programs that promote sustainability and environmental protection, such as tree planting and waste management.
“We are grateful for Unilever’s partnership,” said Ahmad Imam Mujadid Rais, Chair of the Muhammadiyah Department for Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah (Lazismu). “This partnership will allow us to expand our reach and impact in addressing humanitarian and environmental issues.”
The MoU is the first between Muhammadiyah and Unilever. It is a sign of the growing commitment of both organizations to addressing the challenges facing humanity.